Infinite Dex is a tool that can filter through every Pokémon and fusion that exists in the fan game:
Pokémon Infinite Fusion.

Pokémon Infinite Fusion lets the player combine any two Pokémon to create a fusion - there are over 220,000 fusions in-game! Not every fusion has custom artwork, but thousands of sprites are created each month by the community's talented artists. Get involved in the community by joining the official discord.

Click on a sprite to compare it with its reverse fusion (if the head and body Pokémon are swapped). View essential information such as type match-ups, abilities, evolution lines, Pokémon locations, and movesets. You can also see where tutors are located and their costs.

Pokémon Infinite Fusion has no official website!
Fusion and Pokémon sprites
  • Green backgrounds are custom sprites made by artists over on the discord and gray backgrounds are placeholder sprites.
  • Some Pokémon and fusions have multiple artwork (or alternative art), which is indicated by the icon in the top right corner.
  • indicates there is at least one recently-added artwork viewable in the Alts overlay (Any sprite corrections from the previous month are considered "New").
  • Pokémon drop-down
  • Select up to two Pokémon from the drop-down. You can specify if it must be the head or body (By default it's "Either").
  • Disabling Pokémon prevents fusions that use those Pokémon from being shown. This is useful for seeing all possible fusions with the Pokémon you have in your PC.
  • Click the checkbox to enable/disable the Pokémon (By default, this will toggle its entire species).
  • Enable/disable everything by hovering over the red banner.
  • Artist drop-down
  • Every artist that created a Pokémon or fusion is listed.
  • You can click on the artist's name under a sprite instead of using the drop-down (Change default behavior in the settings tab).
  • Type drop-down
  • Limit the results to the specified type(s). The order doesn’t matter.
  • After selecting a type, can be selected for a Monotype search, meaning all Pokémon and fusions can only have that one elemental type (When multiple types are selected, MONO will replace all but the first type. Selecting a different elemental type will overwrite MONO).
  • Move drop-down
  • Only fusions that can learn ALL of the specified move(s) is shown.
  • Expert and legendary moves (or fusion moves) are special tutor moves that can only be taught to creatures that meet specific criteria (fusion moves that can be taught to a self-fusion can also be taught to its corresponding base Pokémon).
  • Abilities drop-down
  • Only Pokémon and fusions that have have ALL of the specified abilitie(s) is shown.

  •  (Note: Use your keyboard to select drop-down options. This includes Pokémon by their Pokédex #.)
    Version 6.4.5

    Website last updated on (2/5/2025)

    Pokémon stats, abilities, types, evolution lines and movesets are directly from Infinite Fusion's files.

    TM/HM and NPC tutors are defined by these two pages  (moves that have no tutor are omitted).

    Fusion Move compatibility is defined using these two files.
    Pokémon Infinite Fusion has 501 base Pokémon and 251,024 fusions.

    There are 180,460 custom sprites; 130,974 out of 251,024 fusions have at least one custom sprite (52.18%).

    Including alternative sprites there are 174,777 fusion and 5,683 Pokémon custom sprites.
    The game and news can be found on the official discord. As a reminder, Pokémon Infinite Fusion has NO official website! Only download it from the official discord.
    1. You're using an invalid combination of filter criteria.
    2. There isn't a custom sprite for that fusion  (try toggling the "Custom Sprites Only" switch).
    If these don't answer your problem, please contact me (jaitnium) on the official discord.
    New sprites are released at the end of each month.

    The most recent sprite pack is Sprite Pack 109 (December 2024).

    A sprite's date is the sprite pack it was released in, which is a month or two behind the current date  (e.g. sprites released in January might be labeled as 'November'). Older sprites (before October 2021) use their image creation date.
    tldr; Combines the movesets of both Pokémon. Some fusions have access to fusion-only moves. Uses a formula to calculate type, stats and abilities.
    Fusion Order
    When fusing two Pokémon, you can pick which one will be the head and which one will be the body. Pokemon displayed above fusion sprites are in the format head/body. Because the fusion order of the Pokémon matters, any two (unique) Pokémon can make two different fusions.
    A fusion has the combined moveset of both of the Pokémon used to make it. Expert and Legendary moves (or fusion moves) can only be learned by specific Fusions. There are cases like Dusclops/Latias and Latias/Dusclops where only the former can learn the move Psychic Terrain despite being made of the same base Pokémon (Order matters!).
    A Fusion's base stats are based on a weighted average of both halves, as follows:

    (2/3)xBody + (1/3)xHead for Atk, Def, and Speed
    (2/3)xHead + (1/3)xBody for HP, Sp.Atk, and Sp.Def

    This means that a Pokémon with high Atk, Def, and Spd will make a more effective body than head.
    You can choose the nature of either Pokémon used to make the fusion.
    After fusing two Pokémon, you can pick which ability of the two you want the fusion to have.
    A Fusion's types are the head's first type and the Body's second type (e.g. Zubat is Poison/Flying. Any fusion with Zubat's head will be part Poison. Any fusion with Zubat's body will be part Flying. A Zubat's head on a Grimer's body would be pure Poison).

    The body will provide its first type instead of its second if the head is already providing that type (e.g. Grimer/Oddish is Poison/Grass. Oddish normally provides Poison as a body, but Grimer already provides Poison; so to avoid redundancy, Oddish instead provides its primary type, Grass).
    Items that provide bonuses to specific Pokémon can be used by fusions if that Pokémon is the body of the fusion (e.g. Pikachu's Light Ball, Marowak's Thick Club, etc).
    tldr; Some Pokémon have tweaked movesets, evolution methods, abilities, and typically generation 5 stats.
    Stat adjustments
    Pokémon Infinite Fusion uses the official generation 5 stats when applicable.
    Move adjustments
    Rock Smash, Teleport, and Tackle have their power adjusted to 50. Pokémon learn a mix of moves spanning across several generations, but sometimes will learn moves they normally don't have access to (e.g. Fletchling can be taught the move Hone Edge, but officially just Talonflame learns it).
    Evolution adjustments
    Dozens of Pokémon have their evolution lines changed. Happiness-related evolutions are replaced with Level-up evolutions. Trade evolutions have been replaced with Level-up evolutions OR you can use a "Linking Cable" item.
    Abilities adjustments
    Most Pokémon have their usual abilities, but there are a few adjustments (e.g. Mewtwo and all three legendary birds have new Hidden Abilities).
    You’ll need to go to the discord to claim credit. When the artist credit file is updated with your discord handle, you’ll be credited.
    My contact is at the bottom of the page, but I check the Discord more often than email. Check in the channel "pif-projects" for "InfiniteDex Website".
    • The following generated  (Japeal) sprites don't exist: 470.466, 470.467, 470.468, 470.469
    • If content is missing from /details, reset your browser's cache.
    • Can’t select the same Pokémon drop-down option twice (Unfortuantely, it's a technical limitation that would take some time to fix).